6 Step Process to Cabinetry Sales & Design

6 Step Process to Cabinetry Sales & Design

6 Step Process to Cabinetry Sales & Design

1. Initial Meeting

We will visit your home or job site and brochures of current lines offered.
Exact measurements of the space for the cabinets will be taken.
We will discuss your wants and needs; I would welcome any pictures you may have that show the style and options you like so I can use them to create the look you desire.

2. Kitchen Design and layout.

We will design your kitchen using the latest kitchen design software.
This free design will be ready in approximately one week. The initial rough draft will be emailed to you. Then we can meet to review the proposal and design.
After you receive the price quote it is your opportunity to do some
comparison shopping and determine your best value.

3. Revisions or Follow up visit

After receiving any changes the design will be finalized and within one
week we will have the revised proposal based on your requested changes.

4. Ordering the Cabinets

A deposit of 50% of the quoted price and a signed copy of the latest proposal are required before the order is placed.

5. Building of your cabinets

The proposed cabinets will be ordered depending on the line chosen; our lead times can be as short as 1 week or as long as 8 weeks.

6. Delivery and Install of your Cabinets

The finished cabinets will be delivered directly to your home and we are proud to then also install them as we designed!
Final payment is due when the cabinets are delivered.

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